The Beiderbecke Tapes is a two-part British television drama serial written by Alan Plater and broadcast in 1987. It is the second serial in The Beiderbecke Trilogy and stars James Bolam and Barbara Flynn as schoolteachers Trevor Chaplin and Jill Swinburne. When a tape recording of a conversation about nuclear waste inadvertently falls into Trevor's hands, Trevor and Jill find themselves being pursued by national security agents.
Stars: James Bolam, Barbara Flynn, Dudley Sutton, Beryl Reid, Don Fellows, Maggie Jones
Crew: Brian Parker, Alan Plater
Country: GB
Studio: ITV1
Runtime: 90:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Dec 13, 1987
Last air date: Dec 20, 1987
Episode: 2 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 4.4