The Critic is an American prime time animated series created by writing partners Al Jean and Mike Reiss, who had previously worked as writers and showrunners on The Simpsons. The show follows the life of a 36-year-old film critic from New York named Jay Sherman, voiced by Jon Lovitz. 23 episodes were produced, first broadcast on ABC in 1994 and finishing its original run on Fox in 1995.
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama
Stars: Jon Lovitz, Christine Cavanaugh, Park Overall, Russi Taylor, Charles Napier, Judith Ivey
Crew: Nikki Vanzo, Ken Tsumura, Chul-ho Kim, Hans Zimmer, Alf Clausen, Al Jean
Country: US
Studio: ABC, FOX
Runtime: 22:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jan 26, 1994
Last air date: May 21, 1995
Episode: 23 Episode
Season: 2 Season
IMDb: 3.7
Keywords:adult animation