Directed by Japanese filmmaker Ryo Orikasa, this animated short was inspired by Henri Michaux’s book of poetry and drawings of the same name, about his experiences with mescaline. The film explores the limits of language and perception, creating connections between sound, meaning, shapes and movement.
Genre: Animation
Stars: Denis Lavant, Tony Robinow
Crew: Ryo Orikasa (Director), Henri Michaux (Writer), Ryo Orikasa (Writer), Ryo Orikasa (Art Direction), Ryo Orikasa (Storyboard Artist), Ryo Orikasa (Editor)
Country: Canada, France, Japan
Language: English, Français, 日本語
Studio: Miyu Productions, New Deer, ONF | NFB
Runtime: 6 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Sep 17, 2023
IMDb: 10