Eight year-old Lavender Williams, who recently lost her mother to cancer, sets off on an epic journey to find her Dad, whom she's never met. Her only companion is Lester, her late pet who's returned from the grave to help her. But the journey won't be easy for the girl and her zombie dog, for the evil presence of Sheriff Murdstone stalks them at every turn.
Stars: Lily Jackson, Rex Linn, Christopher Lloyd, Kelleia Sheerin, John Lithgow, Paul Hungerford
Crew: Bruce Broughton (Music), Begoña Castillo (Producer), Nick Delgado (Producer), Nick Delgado (Screenplay), Nick Delgado (Director), Matt Egan (Director of Photography)
Runtime: 26 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: May 31, 2009
IMDb: 5