Roopa lives a wealthy lifestyle with her husband, Prakash Chandra, who works for her dad, Manoharlal Verma, and a daughter named Sharda alias Pinky. Roopa and Prakash do not get along and Roopa suspects that Prakash is having an affair. Her suspicious nature gets a boost when a woman named Sharda Dayal Sharma moves into a house next door. Roopa starts vile rumors about Sharda having an affair with Prakash.
Stars: Jeetendra, Rekha, Radikaa Sarathkumar, Anupam Kher, Gulshan Grover, Satish Shah
Crew: Manobala (Director)
Language: हिन्दी
Runtime: 143 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 1990
IMDb: 7