Lounder Run tells the story of Jake, a man returning to his gritty hometown after years away, carrying the weight of a troubled past. The film opens on a rainy Saturday afternoon as Jake trudges through a bleak estate, visibly exhausted and clutching a plastic bag. Arriving at his sister Sue’s chaotic, unkempt flat, he confronts the ruins of his old life—a dirty fridge, a cluttered bedroom reduced to storage, and the ghosts of a once-close family. Seeking solace, he revisits his old pub, a place teeming with memories. As he steps inside, the bartender recognizes him with shock, hinting at Jake’s mysterious past and the reasons for his long absence. “Lounder Run” explores themes of homecoming, redemption, and the unshakable grip of one’s origins.
Stars: Kumud Pant, Henry Neville, Murtaza Arif, Danel Pellegrino, Deborah O'Brien
Crew: Daniel Webb (Director), Deborah O'Brien (Writer), Danel Pellegrino (Producer), Daniel Webb (Writer), Jo Gewirtz (Producer)
Runtime: 90 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Sep 01, 2014
IMDb: 10