Eiko is 19 years old, and after graduating from a local high school, she enters a junior college in Tokyo, against the wishes of her parents. She begins living together with Keiko, who is also at the same university, in an apartment. However, unlike Keiko, who wants to be a daycare worker at her girlfriend's nursery school and is a timid student, Eiko doesn't get along with Keiko, who just wants to leave her noisy girlfriend's parents and spread her wings in Tokyo.
Stars: Miyuki Azuma, Nana Watase, Shintaro Tone, Emi Uehara, Mayumi Inoue, Shin Sudo
Crew: Rumi Tama (Director), Akitaka Kimata (Screenplay), Hideo Itō (Director of Photography), Akitaka Kimata (Art Direction), Shigeru Oki (Lighting Camera)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Production Taka, Shintoho Pictures
Runtime: 62 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Apr 29, 1989
IMDb: 9