Rastamouse is a British animated stop motion children's TV series created by Genevieve Webster and Michael De Souza and produced by Three Stones Media/The Rastamouse Company for CBeebies. The show follows crime-busting mouse reggae band Da Easy Crew, who split their time between making music and solving mysteries for Da President of Mouseland. The first 52 episodes of the initial series were shown in the afternoon beginning 31 January 2011 on CBeebies. From 7 March 2011, the programme was repeated in the early mornings, on BBC Two. The second series, comprising a further 26 episodes, started on 20 August 2012, on CBeebies.
Stars: Reggie Yates, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, William Vanderpuye, Cornell John
Country: GB
Studio: CBeebies
Runtime: 10:11 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jan 31, 2011
Last air date: Aug 31, 2012
Episode: 78 Episode
Season: 3 Season
IMDb: 2.5
Keywords:crime fighter, radio, mouse, cheese, reggae, rastafarian, stop motion, save the neighborhood, fictional band, bass guitarist, reggae music, neighborhood, hand drum, mice, anthropomorphic puppets, anthropomorphic animal, musical group, music group, children's mysteries, gang solves mysteries