Inconceivable is an American primetime television medical drama, which was broadcast on NBC. The program premiered on September 23, 2005. The show revolved around the professional and personal lives of those who work at the Family Options Fertility Clinic. The clinic is run by its co-founders along with their new partner. The staff includes an attorney, a nurse, office manager and a medical technician.
The series was created by Oliver Goldstick and Marco Pennette. Goldstick and Pennette also serve as executive producers as do Brian Robbins and Mike Tollin. The show was a Touchstone Television and Tollin/Robbins production. It was one of the few shows produced by the former not to air on ABC in recent years.
Only two episodes aired before the series was canceled.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Jonathan Cake, Joelle Carter, Reynaldo Rosales, Ming-Na Wen, Angie Harmon, Allisyn Snyder
Crew: Marco Pennette, Chris Long, Brian Robbins, Michael Tollin, Oliver Goldstick, Louisa V. Anthony
Country: US
Studio: NBC
Runtime: 60:42 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Sep 23, 2005
Last air date: Oct 21, 2005
Episode: 10 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 1