A magical kingdom once peaceful and lush. Now it lies shrouded beneath a cloud of doom, trapped in perpetual night. Into this realm stride four unlikely heroes a warrior wizard, thief, and elf . Together they must face their greatest challenge ever... to conquer a deadly sorcerer and lift his curse of darkness. It's an epic adventure in a land where dragons rule the sky and danger lurks at every turn!
Stars: John Boyle, Deron McBee, Debbie Korkunis, H.S. Smith, Alan Blumenfeld, Geoff Meed
Crew: Peter W. Silver (Producer), Flint Dille (Director), Flint Dille (Writer), Peter W. Silver (Director of Photography), Bjorn Reddington (Prop Maker), Mike Aubrey (Prop Maker)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: TSR, HyperReality
Runtime: 33 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Dec 31, 1992
IMDb: 5