Nineteen-year-old Anna, living at the end of the nineteenth century in the town of Zatonsk, unexpectedly discovers that she possesses supernatural powers. The spirits of the dead literally haunt her, begging to help. Aided by her visions, Anna manages to investigate and solve a number of mysterious crimes which have baffled the police. An experienced detective, 37-year-old Yakov Shtolman, who is assigned to the police department and teams up with Anna and becomes her partner in hunting down criminals.
Stars: Alexandra Nikiforova, Dmitry Frid, Sergey Druzyak, Boris Khvoshnyanskiy, Irina Sidorova, Andrey Ryklin
Country: RU
Studio: TV-3
Runtime: 48:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Nov 07, 2016
Last air date: Jun 19, 2021
Episode: 96 Episode
Season: 2 Season
IMDb: 3.857
Keywords:detective, 19th century