The slapstick comedy revolves around a protagonist who was reincarnated into a dummy head microphone (a microphone embedded in a fake human head to faithfully record the aural ambience). That dummy head microphone happens to be used by Yuri and other high school girls in an ASMR club, who have their sights set on the "ASMR Koushien" high school championships.
Stars: Tomokazu Sugita, Saori Onishi, Akari Kito, Mayu Sagara, Lynn, Miyu Kubota
Crew: Midori Ootsuka, Yoshinobu Kasai, Junichi Inaba
Country: JP
Studio: Tokyo MX
Runtime: 4:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 13, 2022
Last air date: Dec 29, 2022
Episode: 12 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 5