Nettie, a modern Little Mermaid, is living humanly-ever-after in Provincetown with her fiancé, Freckles. When an anxious young merperson named Archie and Calypso the Sea Nymph come looking for help though, the part-time mermaid dives back into action. Together, Nettie and her three friends travel the world in search of the Terzetto Treasure; a magical artifact that will stop an evil sea witch and her coven from draining the ocean of life.
Stars: Ashleigh Heaton, Jujubee, Jinkx Monsoon, Blake Cordell, Blair Osako-Green, Melissa Medína
Crew: Matt Bruneau-Richardson (Writer), Matt Bruneau-Richardson (Director)
Studio: Tiny Siren Animation
Runtime: 1:47:31 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 1970
IMDb: 10