Set In 1926, three friends and struggling child actors in Hollywood search for roles that lead to competition threatening their friendship. Through a series of auditions, conversations, and dances, the film navigates the challenges of child actors in "Hollywoodland" and the importance of friendship despite the forces against it.
Stars: Aidan Schachter, Alex Nierman, Chase Newman, Kate Dineen, Gavin Shaub
Crew: Lucian Gutfraynd (Choreographer), Mark Gelfand (Music), Ethan Kifferbaum (Sound Mixer), Aidan Schachter (Producer), Aidan Schachter (Director), Grayson Figgenholtz (Producer)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Rhett Films
Runtime: 12 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 16, 2024
IMDb: 10