Forty-year-old Babou Diop lives with his son Sada, his wife Coumba and a sheep they raise in the house. At nine, Sada ends up forming a very strong friendship with the sheep. A few days before the Tabaski holiday, Babou realises that his sheep, which is intended for sacrifice, has disappeared—and so has his son. In great distress, he sets out to find them, which he eventually does—a reunion that is not without its consequences... Now, Babou is faced with a dilemma.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Amadou Diop, Aliou Diouf, Fatoumata Sy
Crew: Pape Bouname Lopy (Director), Papa Oumar Ngom (Music), Amath Niane (Cinematography), Elisabeth Ndiaye (Editor), Dimitri Ouedraogo (Editor), Ousmane Coly (Sound)
Country: Burkina Faso, Senegal
Language: Français
Studio: Groupe Lydel Com, Canal+ International, Papinaprod, Imagi'nation
Runtime: 79 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Aug 18, 2023
IMDb: 10